A few announcements

Does that look like nuclear physics to you?

Good, cause it does to me, too. It’s also largely the reason my organ has stopped allowing me to make recordings lately.

Hauptwerk is this fantastic software package that allows me to do what I’m doing here: an entire organ run from a simple desktop PC, with the capability to record and broadcast with just a bit of technical ingenuity.

It’s that technical ingenuity part that’s the problem at the moment. While Hauptwerk is an amazing product, with endless possibilities for customization and utilization, and has opened up a vast array of possibilities when it comes to home practice instruments (including affordable practice instruments that most would never have been able to afford previously), it’s also fiendishly complex. Somewhere in the depths of that fiendish complexity, something’s gone wrong with my setup, and until I get it fixed there won’t be any new YouTube videos or SoundCloud recordings to go with my blog posts here

On to happier subjects, howerver…

There are a few things coming up that I am really excited about:

1) I asked over on Twitter the other day (the Synod retweeted it!) for any and all of you to subscribe to my YouTube channel. This is necessary in order for me to meet the criteria to enable livestreaming via my YouTube channel, once the aforementioned technical difficulties are resolved. To my astonishment and delight, we went from 11 subscribers to 55 in less than a day. I promised, and will deliver, a Lenten organ recital as a reward if we made it, so as soon as the technical issues are overcome I will be posting a Lenten organ recital over on my YouTube channel.

2) There will be a The Lutheran Organist merchandise store, soon. I and my wife have been working on it over the past few weeks, and I think we have some stuff that you’ll be interested in. I like clever humor, so stay tuned and I think you’ll enjoy what we have to offer.

3) We have an upcoming opportunity to help some Lutherans who don’t have an organ. I’m not going to give away the details just yet, but the modest instrument pictured above is the previous instrument from the church that I play for on Sunday mornings, which I purchased when the church upgraded to the two-manual Viscount they have now. The opportunity has arisen to send this little portable organ a decent distance around the world to help out a budding Lutheran church that doesn’t have a proper instrument at the moment. I want you all to be a part of that experience, and you’ll hear more about this project in the very near future.

So, there we have it. Some bad news, and three pieces of great news, two of which will be ready just as soon as the bad news is dealt with. Stay tuned - there’s so much more to come!


HOTC #18: LSB 420 Christ, the Life of All the Living


HOTC #17: LSB 418, O Lord, throughout These Forty Days